Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Custom Endpoints in WooCommerce My Account

The WooCommerce My Account page is a central hub for your customers, where they can manage their orders, download products, view their wishlists, and update their account details. By default, WooCommerce provides a few essential endpoints such as Orders, Downloads, and Addresses. However, many store owners find it useful to edit the WooCommerce My Account page by adding custom endpoints to improve user experience and add value to their store.

In this detailed guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating custom endpoints in WooCommerce, explain how they enhance the customer experience, and provide tips for making your My Account page more functional and engaging.

What Are Custom Endpoints?

In WooCommerce, endpoints are additional segments of the URL that WordPress understands to display specific content. For example, when a customer clicks on "Orders" in the My Account page, they are taken to, where /orders/ is the endpoint.

By adding custom endpoints, you can insert new content or pages such as FAQs, subscription management, loyalty programs, or any other information that is useful for your customers. This customization offers a seamless way to enhance customer experience on the WooCommerce My Account page.

Benefits of Adding Custom Endpoints

  • Enhanced User Experience: Customers can quickly find essential information without navigating away from their account page.

  • Improved Navigation: Organizing the My Account dashboard into clear sections improves usability.

  • Increased Engagement: You can introduce features like product recommendations, personalized messages, and promotions within custom tabs.

  • Easy Access to Information: Customers can access FAQs, loyalty points, order histories, and subscription plans directly from the My Account page.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Custom Endpoints

1. Set Up a Child Theme

Before you start editing your WooCommerce My Account page, ensure you're using a child theme. This protects your customizations from being overwritten when your theme is updated.

To create a child theme, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new folder in wp-content/themes with the name of your theme followed by -child.

  2. Add a style.css file and a functions.php file in the child theme folder.

  3. Enqueue the parent theme’s stylesheet in the functions.php file.

Now, any changes made in the child theme will be safe when updating the main theme.

2. Register the Custom Endpoint

To register a custom endpoint, you’ll need to add the following code to the functions.php file of your child theme:

In this example, 'custom-endpoint' will be the new URL segment for your custom page. You can replace 'custom-endpoint' with any other name.

3. Flush Rewrite Rules

After registering your new endpoint, it’s essential to flush the rewrite rules. You can do this by going to Settings > Permalinks in the WordPress dashboard and clicking Save Changes. This step ensures that WordPress recognizes your new custom endpoint.

4. Add Custom Content to the Endpoint

Now that you’ve created the custom endpoint, you need to define what content will be displayed when a user visits it. To do this, add the following code to the functions.php file:

This code displays the content "Custom Endpoint Content" whenever a user visits the /my-account/custom-endpoint/ URL. You can customize this content further by including dynamic data, forms, or custom features.

5. Add a Link to the My Account Menu

To ensure that your customers can easily find the custom endpoint, add it to the My Account menu. Use the following code in your functions.php file:

This code adds a "Custom Endpoint" link to the My Account menu. You can change the label to suit your needs, such as "FAQs," "Subscriptions," or "Exclusive Offers."

6. Styling and Customization

Once the endpoint is created and added to the menu, you may want to style it to match your theme. You can do this by adding custom CSS to your theme’s stylesheet or through the WordPress Customizer.

For example, if you want to style the content of the custom endpoint, you can add:


1. Can I add multiple custom endpoints to the WooCommerce My Account page?

Yes, you can create as many custom endpoints as you like. Simply register each endpoint using the method outlined above, and add content and menu links for each one.

2. Can I display different content for logged-in and logged-out users?

Yes, you can customize the content based on the user’s login status by adding conditional statements in your endpoint content function. For example:


if (is_user_logged_in()) { echo 'Welcome back!'; } else { echo 'Please log in to view this content.'; }

3. What are some use cases for custom endpoints?

You can use custom endpoints for various purposes, such as:

  • Displaying loyalty points or rewards

  • Showing exclusive offers or promotions

  • Providing personalized product recommendations

  • Enabling customers to manage their subscriptions

4. Do I need coding skills to create custom endpoints?

Basic coding knowledge in PHP and WordPress is recommended. However, following this guide and copying the provided code snippets can help even beginners set up custom endpoints.

5. Can I customize the design of my WooCommerce My Account page further?

Absolutely. You can combine custom CSS and use plugins to edit the WooCommerce My Account page further. There are several plugins available that allow for drag-and-drop editing of the My Account layout.


Adding custom endpoints to your WooCommerce My Account page is a fantastic way to enhance the user experience and provide more value to your customers. By customizing the My Account page, you can create a more intuitive and functional interface that aligns with your business needs.

With the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily edit the WooCommerce My Account page to include custom content, improve navigation, and make it more engaging for your customers. As your store grows, continue to experiment with new custom endpoints to keep your My Account page fresh and helpful for users.

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